It’s time for grown men to stop rolling
the hem of their jeans, and put an end to that trend. At best, it looks silly.
At worst, it looks like you just left a clambake, or you’re auditioning for a
role in a remake of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Check out Nina Chanel Boutique!

At first glance the store, named for singer Nina Simone and designer Coco Chanel, may appear to be just another snooty boutique. Upon closer inspection you will find friendly and attentive salespersons, quick to offer fruit or a chilled beverage.
Surprisingly, the store’s prices are quite reasonable. The most expensive clothes are around $75, and right now (and at least through next week) select items are on sale for just $10. Yes, 10 bucks!
I quickly snagged several items for a couple of clients and a few things for my kid sister. (Sigh… Sometimes I really wish someone would shop for me!)
Oh, well. No rest for the weary.
(photo courtesy: Top Atlanta Luxury)
Monday, April 2, 2012
Five Easy Steps to a Victorious Spring

Spring is here, and a quarter of the new year is already gone! Where did the time go? More importantly, what happened to the lofty resolutions we made only a few weeks ago? Sigh…
If your resolutions are on schedule, kudos to you! For the rest of us, here are five smart and easy ‘wins’ to pull it together and get back on track before summer.
For Women:
1. Schedule a professional bra-fitting. According to some estimates, 80 percent of women are wearing the wrong bra size. Of course, this statistic could be a ploy by bra manufacturers to get you to purchase new bras! However, if you haven’t had a fitting in the last year, you should consider it. Your body changes over time, even if your weight remains the same. Make an appointment at Intimacy, Soma, or another store that specializes in bra-fittings.
2. Evaluate your hairstyle and color. How long have you had your current style? Is it time for an update? Make an appointment with your stylist (or a different stylist), and ask for their honest opinion about your look. Brace yourself. You may be overdue for a new style, a color change, or both.
3. Have a professional makeup artist look at your makeup. Like hairstyles, make-up also changes and you need to stay current. Call a make-up artist or go to your favorite store for an evaluation and recommendations. Tell them about your daily routine, including your likes/dislikes and any time constraints. You may be surprised at what can be accomplished in just a few minutes with only a handful of products.
For Men:
1. Take stock of your underwear and socks. Good grooming starts with a good foundation. Toss items with stretched elastic, rips or holes. Also ditch any tee-shirts with pit stains that cannot be bleached. Purchase new socks and underwear; do not wait until it becomes an embarrassment.
2. Examine your shoes. Everyone notices the shoes. They may not say a word, but they notice! Do your shoes need to be polished and/or re-soled? Have they seen better times? Or are they in good condition, but outdated? Make sure your shoes are clean and well-maintained.
3. Take care of your skin. Good skin is your best ‘accessory.’ You should exfoliate (to remove dead skin), moisturize (to combat wrinkles), and use sunblock (to decrease chances of skin cancer). I know… what will your macho friends say when they find out? Forget about it. Twenty years from now you’ll have the last laugh because you will look great and they will look like the California Raisins.
The last two suggestions are for both women and men:
4. Drink plenty of water. Exactly how much water is needed depends on the individual. Some doctors recommend drinking “at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.” In general, if you drink enough fluid so that you rarely feel thirsty and produce 1.5 liters (6.3 cups) or more of colorless or light yellow urine a day, your fluid intake is probably adequate. Water helps ward off dehydration, so be sure to drink water before, during and after exercise.
5. Whiten your teeth. A bright smile helps make a great impression! Over time, coffee, tea, and wine can stain your teeth. Your dentist can whiten your smile, or you can save some cash and do it yourself with over-the-counter whitening strips. Use whitening toothpaste and mouthwash to help maintain your winning smile.
Now you have your orders, so get going!
Here’s to a Victorious Spring!
If your resolutions are on schedule, kudos to you! For the rest of us, here are five smart and easy ‘wins’ to pull it together and get back on track before summer.
For Women:
1. Schedule a professional bra-fitting. According to some estimates, 80 percent of women are wearing the wrong bra size. Of course, this statistic could be a ploy by bra manufacturers to get you to purchase new bras! However, if you haven’t had a fitting in the last year, you should consider it. Your body changes over time, even if your weight remains the same. Make an appointment at Intimacy, Soma, or another store that specializes in bra-fittings.
2. Evaluate your hairstyle and color. How long have you had your current style? Is it time for an update? Make an appointment with your stylist (or a different stylist), and ask for their honest opinion about your look. Brace yourself. You may be overdue for a new style, a color change, or both.
3. Have a professional makeup artist look at your makeup. Like hairstyles, make-up also changes and you need to stay current. Call a make-up artist or go to your favorite store for an evaluation and recommendations. Tell them about your daily routine, including your likes/dislikes and any time constraints. You may be surprised at what can be accomplished in just a few minutes with only a handful of products.
For Men:
1. Take stock of your underwear and socks. Good grooming starts with a good foundation. Toss items with stretched elastic, rips or holes. Also ditch any tee-shirts with pit stains that cannot be bleached. Purchase new socks and underwear; do not wait until it becomes an embarrassment.
2. Examine your shoes. Everyone notices the shoes. They may not say a word, but they notice! Do your shoes need to be polished and/or re-soled? Have they seen better times? Or are they in good condition, but outdated? Make sure your shoes are clean and well-maintained.
3. Take care of your skin. Good skin is your best ‘accessory.’ You should exfoliate (to remove dead skin), moisturize (to combat wrinkles), and use sunblock (to decrease chances of skin cancer). I know… what will your macho friends say when they find out? Forget about it. Twenty years from now you’ll have the last laugh because you will look great and they will look like the California Raisins.
The last two suggestions are for both women and men:
4. Drink plenty of water. Exactly how much water is needed depends on the individual. Some doctors recommend drinking “at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.” In general, if you drink enough fluid so that you rarely feel thirsty and produce 1.5 liters (6.3 cups) or more of colorless or light yellow urine a day, your fluid intake is probably adequate. Water helps ward off dehydration, so be sure to drink water before, during and after exercise.
5. Whiten your teeth. A bright smile helps make a great impression! Over time, coffee, tea, and wine can stain your teeth. Your dentist can whiten your smile, or you can save some cash and do it yourself with over-the-counter whitening strips. Use whitening toothpaste and mouthwash to help maintain your winning smile.
Now you have your orders, so get going!
Here’s to a Victorious Spring!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Is Your Poor Image Blocking Your Promotion?

When you were interviewing for the job, you dressed up and paid extra attention to your grooming. But after you had the job for a while, did your grooming regimen take a vacation? If so, the lack of attention to your appearance could be blocking your climb up the corporate ladder!
According to a survey by, employers have identified the personal attributes that would make an employee less appealing for a promotion. Bad breath, unkempt clothes, piercings and visible tattoos topped the list.
CareerBuilder said bosses look at the whole package – not just strong performance and leadership skills – when it comes to promoting successful employees. Employers want to promote employees who have a professional image on the inside and the outside.
The top 10 personal attributes employers say would make them less likely to extend a promotion include:
1. Piercings (cited by 37 percent of employers)
2. Bad breath (34 percent)
3. (tie) Visible tattoo (31 percent)
3. (tie) Often wears wrinkled clothes (31 percent)
4. Messy hair (29 percent)
5. Dresses too casually (28 percent)
6. Too much perfume/cologne (26 percent)
7. Too much makeup (22 percent)
8. Messy office or cubicle (19 percent)
9. Chewed fingernails (10 percent)
10. Too suntanned (4 percent)
Your boss probably won't tell you, but now you know. So, check yourself before you wreck yourself… and your career!
The survey was conducted by Harris Interactive among 2,878 hiring managers (non-government) across industries.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Summer Trends 2011: What are You Wearing?

Although the weather has been sweltering for weeks, summer has just (officially) arrived. So, what are you wearing this season? Have you found clothes that help you feel cool while looking cool?
If you’re shopping for summer attire, here are a few 2011 trends for women and men. Not much middle ground here – you’ll either love or hate these!
Seven Trends for Women…
1. ‘70s inspired. Floppy hats, peasant blouses, macramé belts, beaded earrings, denim skirts, high-waist flared jeans, cork wedges and espadrilles. Lots of fun stuff here, but a little goes a long way. Do not – unless you’re going to a theme party – wear more than a couple of these ‘70s trends at once.
2. Crisp white. Summer and white clothes go together like fireworks and the Fourth of July. This year’s white dresses, skirts and blouses have clean lines with lots of structure and/or texture to keep them interesting. You can’t miss with this one, so go crazy!
3. Very bright colors. Eye-popping greens and blues ranging from emerald to aqua to turquoise, along with battery-powered shades of pink and orange. If you wore this trend in the ‘80s – when it was called neon – you might want to sit this one out. However, if you can’t resist, get a couple of pieces. But don’t fill your closet with these glow-in-the-dark garments because this trend should pass quickly.
4. Structured handbags. Oversized totes with metal accents take a backseat to smaller, more streamlined bags. Envelope bags, satchels and clutches in perforated leather, bright colors or two-toned leather force you to edit what you carry, while elevating your style. Get it.
5. Faux snakeskin. This print is everywhere and on everything. From the expected – handbags, heels and loafers, to the unexpected – dresses, blouses and trench coats. Think of it as the ‘new leopard’ print. If you’re on the fence about this one, start with the safest choice: a faux snakeskin bag. Could be fun!
6. Maxi dresses. This billowy look works for most body types, as long as the fit is good (i.e. not too tight or too long). That’s probably why it’s still around after a few seasons of immense popularity. But get one this year because its 15-minutes should be up soon. Tick. Tock.
7. Classic loafers and men’s-style oxfords. Not your father’s shoes, but an updated version for women. There’s something for everyone… bright colors, two-toned, even faux snakeskin. A good alternative to flats, so give them a try!
And Three Trends for Men…
1. “In between” shoes. Dressier than sneakers, but not as dressy as leather oxfords. Driving moccasins or linen bucks are a perfect summer companion to jeans or shorts.
2. Unlined blazer. Again, working the dressy-casual zone. An unlined blazer dresses up your jeans or khakis, but it’s more relaxed – and less bulky – than a lined blazer.
3. Cotton slacks in many colors. These are basically khakis… but in blue, green, pale yellow and even red. Step out of your comfort zone (at least a bit), and away from the usual khaki, tan, taupe, stone and olive slacks!
Remember, by their very nature trends are fleeting. So, carefully choose what works for you and ignore the rest. (I can’t say this enough: every trend is not for every body!) New trends, perhaps more to your liking, are just around the corner.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
It’s Spring: Time to Shake Up your Clothes

Many of us are creatures of habit, treading the well-worn path of familiarity. We often order the same dish, regardless of the day’s special. (Guilty!) But nothing is more familiar and soothing than wearing our clothes exactly the same way each time.
Well spring is a time of rejuvenation, so I suggest seven easy ways to breathe new life into our wardrobes – and a few other areas of our lives.
1. Give yourself permission to try new things. You always can go back to the familiar if you don't like it, but begin by saying 'yes' to something new.
2. Inject more color into your wardrobe. Spring is the perfect time to take a break from your all-black or neutral attire. Start with just one brightly colored blouse/shirt. Or at least add a few colorful accessories or a necktie.
3. Try a new restaurant or coffee shop. Or try a new dish or beverage at your favorite haunt. At the very least sit at a different table.
4. Mix patterns with confidence. With pinstripes (and certain plaids), just ignore the stripes/pattern and treat it as a ‘solid’ color. This allows you to wear a patterned blouse or shirt with a pinstripe or plaid suit, creating a new look.
5. Take a different route for your commute to work/home. You may be pleasantly surprised – or even inspired – by what you see.
6. Send your clothes to Divorce Court. Just because you purchased the top and bottom at the same time doesn’t mean they must spend eternity together. Break them up! Changing your combinations will make your wardrobe seem larger.
7. Wardrobe choices are not permanent. If your fashion experiment ends up in the “don’t” column, no worries. Each day brings a new opportunity to get it right.
Here's to a wonderful and stylish spring!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Fall Trends 2010: What (Not) to Wear

With that in mind, here’s a list of seven trends that are popular this fall, followed by my comments on how to – or whether you should – incorporate them into your wardrobe.
1. Camouflage/military clothing. Military-inspired garb has been popular for a few seasons and it’s as strong as ever this fall. The camouflage print works well on certain dresses, shirts, pants and hats. But camouflage leggings? I guess if you want to make your legs ‘disappear’ this is a trend for you. I say a little camo goes a long way, so use it sparingly.
2. Faux fur. Several designers have faux fur jackets and vests in their fall collections. Some of it looks good, in shades of gray and brown. But a faux fur vest with long white strands looks like you were competing on Project Runway and had to make a garment from shag carpet remnants. (Note: I recently saw a department store with the faux fur and camouflage clothing displayed side by side. I could not tell if it was an unfortunate coincidence, or a clever inside joke asking shoppers to choose if they want to be the ‘hunter’ or the ‘prey.’)
3. Hats and scarves for men. Duh. It’s fall. But these particular hats and scarves are not just utilitarian. They take a big cue from the television show Mad Men, adding a specific design aesthetic to transform what could be boring into something of which even the sartorially splendid Don Draper would approve.
4. Aviator and cat-eye sunglasses. Yes, you still need to protect your eyes in fall/winter. Again evoking the Mad Men era, sunglasses in styles from the 50s and 60s are very popular. But these styles are not flattering on everyone. Depending on the shape of your face, it may be best to skip this trend and stick with what looks good on you.
5. Statement necklace or ring. Oversized jewelry – such as necklaces that form a ‘collar’ and giant flower-shaped rings – will continue to be popular. If you are tall or have a large frame, these items may work for you. But be careful if you are petite. It’s never a good idea to wear a necklace that’s bigger than your head or a flower ring that bellows ‘Feed me, Seymour!’
6. Nude-colored fashions. A favorite of fashionistas like Jennifer Lopez and Mariah Carey, the popular color has become a staple on the red carpet and can be found in everyday wear including dresses, blouses and slacks. Frankly, I find it boring and uninspired. How boring? It makes beige look exciting. The exception is nude-colored shoes because they make the legs look longer by not ‘chopping’ them off at the feet. FYI… everyone’s ‘nude’ is different; if your skin is chocolate brown, then your nude shoes should be chocolate brown.
7. Camel-colored garments. This is a classic color that works well on men and women. (I know you’re thinking, ‘What’s the difference between camel and beige?’ The two are worlds apart!) A camel-colored wool coat (pictured) in a classic style will serve you well for years to come. Camel looks elegant with charcoal, black, red, dark brown, navy and even winter white.
Instead of blindly following trends, you should explore ‘what’s hot’ and decide which ones, if any, work with your personality, profession, and body type. If a trend works... great. If it does not… just let it pass and wait for the next one!
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