Last week I was shopping with a client who is gearing up for her 40th birthday. She wants to revamp her wardrobe to be more age appropriate, while remaining true to her youthful energy and outgoing personality. No problem!
However, in addition to incorporating ‘grown-up clothes’ she wants to adopt more grown-up behaviors, such as sending handwritten thank-you notes. This will take a little longer, but her goal is attainable and it made me think about a few other grown-up behaviors and style choices to consider.
Here are 10 things you can try at any age:
1. Be kind to waiters. Why? First, it’s just good form to be nice to anyone who is serving you. Second, it’s smart. Not only is this person in charge of your food, you are about to hand over your debit/credit card to him or her. Think about it. (And when you get good service, leave a generous tip – at least 18 percent.)
2. Do not chew gum in public. Why? Ever seen Britney Spears struggle through an interview while chomping on a gob of Big Red? Yikes. Restrict your gum chewing to long road trips or if you’re working around the house. If you’re in public and need to freshen your breath, reach for a mint.
3. Leggings and tights are not pants. No matter how thin or shapely, a grown woman should not wear leggings or tights as a substitute for pants. I know Audrey Hepburn made it look chic – but she was Audrey Hepburn. Just put on a pair of well-fitting pants or jeans.
4. A wireless earpiece is not a fashion accessory. An earpiece is fine for hands-free driving or if your job requires endless phone calls. But walking through the park or grocery shopping with that object sprouting from your ear says you are too attached to your phone. Literally.
5. Sunglasses are to protect your eyes from the sun. When you enter a building, remove your sunglasses and put them in your pocket/purse. Wearing sunglasses on top of your head? Only if you don’t have a pocket or purse.
6. Frosted lipstick is for little girls. On a grown woman, frosted lipstick looks like you just ate a Krispy Kreme doughnut, and you didn’t have a napkin to wipe your mouth. Stick with your favorite shade of red.
7. Grown men should only wear a team jersey on game day (or if you have just been drafted by the team). Otherwise, wear a real shirt – with a collar.
8. It’s okay to ignore a fashion trend. Just because a trend is in every store and on every magazine cover, you do not have to follow the herd. Every trend does not work for every person. Being a grown-up includes knowing when a trend doesn’t look good on you.
9. RSVP and go. When the invitation says ‘RSVP,’ you should reply as soon as possible and let the host know whether you plan to attend. (Don’t wait until the last minute… thinking you’ll get a better offer.) The host needs to know who’s coming, in order to determine how much food and drink to buy. And if you say you will attend – then go. It is rude to be a no-show unless you have a valid reason.
10. Send a handwritten thank-you note. (My client is right about this.) Whether following up on a job interview, saying thanks for a dinner party invitation, or acknowledging a graduation/wedding/baby shower gift… the reasons to send a handwritten note are endless. It takes more effort than texting or instant messaging, but the recipient will remember that you took the time to do it.
This list is a lot to take on at once, so tackle one or two items at a time. Before you know it, you’ll be following the advice of Prince (and parents around the globe) to 'Act your age... not your shoe size!'